Dear Fellow Bar Members:
Thank you to the 15 people who confirmed (and appeared) at the last bar lunch! Great going!
Please confirm your attendance at the next meeting by January 30th so I can provide the number to Soho.
Our next meeting is February 6, 2009, at noon at Soho. Teresa Neudorfer will be presenting a CLE regarding the law tech issue and on recent developments in the family law area. Our local bar will then be able to send a letter to the Supreme Court on our position. Please feel free to volunteer if you would like to participate in writing the letter for consideration by our bar. Lacking volunteers, a committee will be appointed.
The Family Law Section of our local bar will have it’s first meeting of 2009 on February 13th. Among the likely topics is our local approach to settlement conferences and trials. While everyone is welcome – we are hoping that a good showing of the family law attorneys will attend. The meeting will be at noon and tentatively at Cafe Garden. Please look for the formal notice in the next two weeks.
If you know anyone who is NOT on our email list or NOT a member of our local bar – let me know. We want to be as inclusive as possible – and ensure everyone pays Cliff Tassie their dues if for no other reason than to get his annual dunning letters!
I am looking for people interested in sharing their knowledge with us through a CLE. As always, it benefits Pro Bono and at $20 per credit, a darn cheap CLE.
I am looking forward to seeing you at our next lunch –
Carol Mortensen
As a reminder, the lunch at Soho is $13.00 (includes tip). We are collecting the payment for everyone to facilitate getting payments made. If you need receipts, please let us know. If paying by debit or credit card, you will need to pay separately.