Dear Bar Members:
Our next meeting is March 20, 2009, at noon. We meet at Soho Asian Bistro where the lunch is $13.00 (which includes tip). Please confirm your attendance by Friday, 3/13/09, if at all possible so we can advise Soho of the number of expected attendees.
We are having a CLE on 3/20/09 with an expectation of some kind of nifty electronics (The First 30 Words by R. Craig Smith). Please make best efforts to plan on being present.
The following issues were discussed on March 6, 2009:
Law Tech Letter: Kathleen McCormick will be drafting a letter for review. Once in draft form, it will be circulated through the Bar email for review, revision & responses. We have a deadline for presentation to the Supreme Court so that will be included.
Yellow Pages: The yellow pages issue will not be pursued further.
Scholarship Notebooks: We will either obtain information from Sequim Schools or turn to PA Schools if they do not respond. The plan is to give at the same level and number as last year.
Training Proposals: Please feel free to volunteer yourself or others.
Law Day: We are checking into possible locations. Sal Mungia will speak. Expect more details shortly.
Carol M.
2009 Pres