Dear Bar Members:
Our next meeting is:
March 6, 2009, at Noon
Soho Asian Bistro (134 W. Front Street)
Lunch is $13.00 – which includes the tip
Please RSVP by 2/27/09 so I can provide Soho with a tentative head count.
We had 22 people at Ingrid Larson-Alexander’s presentation – thanks to all who came. CLE credit remains pending for both programs.
Our next meeting will involve several important topics so I encourage you all to attend. Our tentative agenda will include Law Day (Sal Mungia will attend!); a Family Law section report (hopefully); scholarship notebooks; yellow pages; and so on. We also have a couple of requests for presentations on collections & post-judgment collections and water law. If you know someone or are someone who would like to present – let me know.
Thank you all for your great efforts in confirming and I will look forward to seeing you March 6th!
Carol L. Mortensen