Bar Lunch is this Friday, December 7, 2007 at the Salad StationĀ atĀ 12:00 p.m.
Jacques Dulin will be doing a CLE on Trademarks and the United States Olympic Committee’s assault on local businesses that use the word Olympic in their name. Jacques has been a member of the Patent Bar since 1966 and has been practicing in Sequim since 2004. He also is an active member of the California bar and is on inactive status with the Virginia and Illinois Bar. Cost is $20.00, made out to Pro Bono.
In other news, the soon-to-be Judge S. Brooke Taylor was present at our last meeting and we took the time to give him some feedback on the Superior Court’s proposed schedule. Most of the comments were very positive. If you have further feedback you’ll want to get something to Lindy Clevenger, the Superior Court Administrator as soon as possible. I know the judges will want to have the new schedule in place right after the New Year.
President-elect elections will be at our last meeting of the year on December 21, 2007.