Dear Bar Members,
It is with sadness that we recognize a loss to the community. Mr. Frank Platt passed away last week. We offer our sympathy and condolances to the family and the members of his firm. The family will make any announcements related to his passing.
Please accept apologies for no prior notice regarding the bar lunch on Friday (you will likely see this Friday morning). We do not have any specific program. Since there was no prior notice, no one had the opportunity to confirm. As a result, I look forward to seeing those who come to lunch and anticipate ordering off the menu rather than the family style service.
You should have all heard by now that we will welcome Christopher J. Riffle to our community. Christopher Riffle is the new associate at Platt Irwin. The Firm has extended an invitation to the bar to witness Judge S. Brooke Taylor administer the oath of attorney on May 18, 2009, at 3:00 pm at the Clallam County Superior Court. Please mark your calendar to attend this swearing in. Platt Irwin will also host a reception at their offices following the swearing in and invited all attorneys and staff. It is important for us to mark and attend events like this – and celebrate with our new legal community member.
The scholarship people met tonight and selected three well qualified students as our candidates this year. I extend my personal appreciation and thanks to Tracey Lassus and Curry Andrews for their participation as well as their unique insight! We selected Dain Steenberg, Rexx Ingalls and Isaac Boekelheide as recipients. Each of them displayed a uniqueness that was clear at a glance, demonstrated academic accomplishment and a focused goal. Patrick Irwin should enjoy the opportunity to make the awards to these young men.
On the topic of CLE’s, I want to let all of you know that we now must provide the evaluation forms at every program we offer. I will ensure those are provided for your use. They are maintained for two years along with the printed materials from each speaker. Printed materials are the standard for a CLE, explanations must be provided to the Bar for CLE’s which do not have printed material. Based on the agreement with the WSBA, CLE’s must always have a connection to the Pro Bono lawyers that are the target audience of these programs. If you are providing a CLE in the upcoming months, please be sure to let me know what connection your program has to Pro Bono and what materials you will provide. As an example, a program about DUI’s gives information to attorneys aiding families in dissolutions that may not be readily known to a family attorney but have a signfiicant impact on family dynamics.
Please contact me if you have any other business or comments to share.
Thank you for your attention.
Carol L. Mortensen
2009 President