UPDATE, May 6, 2020. Courthouse access restrictions vary from county to county. Bench trials are now a possible option. For information about the Clallam County Superior Court, see this page https://clallamcountybar.com/covid-19-superior-court-emergency-order-1-significant-courthouse-changes/ UPDATE, April 30, 2020. Limited access and trial cancellations are extended to … [Read more...] about Washington Courts response to COVID-19 – trials cancelled, motions restricted
Bar News
Rachel Munoz-McCormick is new Courthouse Facilitator
Welcome Rachel, it's nice to have you here! Rachel Munoz McCormick formerly worked for the Trinity County, California court system for the last 10 years, so she brings lots of experience to the position. Facilitator office hours, location, and contact method is available here. … [Read more...] about Rachel Munoz-McCormick is new Courthouse Facilitator
Email bench copies of proposed orders
UPDATED June 22, 2020. Bench copies may NO LONGER be emailed. They must be provided as before, by placing a copy in the Judge's Bench Copy Box, in the Superior Court Clerk's office, or appropriately marked and placed in the drop box in front of the Courthouse, in an envelope clearly marked Superior Court Clerk's Office. Editor's note: CCBA.com wishes to thank the judges and … [Read more...] about Email bench copies of proposed orders
Protection order service and hearing times modified – COVID-19
Governor Jay Inslee has issued a proclamation which modifies the service requirements and time frames for hearings in a variety of protection order matters. Proclamation of the Governor 20-45 addresses RCW statutes providing protection from harassment, violence, stalking, abuse, intimidation, and other forms of harm. The changes will remain in effect until May 10, 2020, or … [Read more...] about Protection order service and hearing times modified – COVID-19
Clallam County Emergency Order #2 – COVID-19 response
The Clallam County Superior Court has issued EO2, which essentially reissues EO1 and extends courthouse access restrictions through May 4, 2020. This is in response the COVID-19 pandemic and an updated restrictive order by the Washington State Supreme Court. The full text of EO2, unsigned, is below. A signed copy may be found at http://www.clallam.net/superiorcourt/. In … [Read more...] about Clallam County Emergency Order #2 – COVID-19 response
Parenting Plans and COVID-19
Governor Inslee's Stay Home, Stay Healthy declaration does appear to mean Parenting Plans should continue to be followed. If things take a down turn because of the COVID-19 virus, it is possible this may change. This page will be updated as needed. A number of county courts (not Clallam) have issued orders requiring that Parenting Plans must be followed absent an emergency … [Read more...] about Parenting Plans and COVID-19