On June 29, 2009, the Clallam County Superior Court implemented changes to LCR 77(k), and LCR 94(f) (with Exhibit A), and Administrative rule 0.3, and added Administrative Rule 0.5, 0.6, 0.7
Of particular note for family law practictioners, LCR 94(f) makes substantial changes to the settlement conference procedures, and imposes heavy financial santcions for failing to comply with the rule. For example, settlement conference briefs are now mandatory using the required form, and if filed late incur mandatory sanctions of $250-$500. Failing to appear at a settlement conference, without court permission, yields a mandatory sanction of $250.
Administrative rule 0.7 requires all pleadings to be in at least 12 point type.
Local rules may be found at www.courts.wa.gov