UPDATED: Criminal jury trials are now suspended an additional month, through March 13, 2022. Civil jury trials are still suspended through March 31, 2022. See Emergency Order January 28, 2022.
By Emergency Order January 14, 2022, jury trials have been suspended again because of the raging pandemic. Criminal jury trials are suspended through February 14, 2022. Civil jury trials are suspended through March 31, 2022. Divorce and bench trials are not suspended, and will proceed as scheduled in person or remotely.
Courtrooms are open, but the judges strongly encourage remote appearances by Zoom or phone. Exhibit A to the Emergency Order is the same as previously, and gives direction for appearing remotely.
For criminal trials, it is imperative defendants follow the rules for obtaining a new trial date. Failure to do so may result in a warrant being issued or bail revoked.
Editor’s note: These delays in justice can be frustrating and sometimes even hurtful. The purpose is to protect peoples lives, our local economy and our local health care services and providers. Infection rates and deaths remain at all time highs. If you find yourself getting angry, a natural feeling, please take a moment to find some grace and consideration for everyone involved, including yourself.
Emergency Order January 14, 2022, with Exhibit A