Join us on December 6th from 10-11:30 at the Clallam Resilience Project’s monthly Community Meeting to learn from the R.E.A.L team about their mission: to improve the lives of people they serve through Recovery Empowerment Advocacy & Linkage, while promoting dignity, health, and self-sufficiency.
Come learn about available support systems and materials including: Substance Abuse resources, and behavioral health resources. Perhaps you have someone in your life who is struggling and could use extra support? In this presentation you will learn about the wide range of services available through the REAL Program and how you can connect someone you care about to services in our community.
- Join Zoom Meeting
- Meeting ID: 899 2819 4489 Passcode: HOPE
- Dial in by phone: +1 253 215 8782 Phone Passcode: 706561