Why are community health clinics a model for resilience?
Is it the ability for “upstream” engagement?
Or addressing the social determinants of health?
Come learn about North Olympic Health Network (NOHN) from Carlos Osorio, Community Outreach and Navigation Department Manager. He will speak to how NOHN serves our community by connecting residents with resources, like the mobile clinic, that help them get and stay healthy.
Meeting details
January 3, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Hosted by Carlos Osorio, North Olympic Health Network
- Meeting ID: 899 2819 4489 Passcode: HOPE
- Dial in by phone: +1 253 215 8782 Phone Passcode: 706561
Hosted by the the Clallam Resilience Project, a United Way of Clallam County project.
For more information, contact Sydney Crowe, program manager for the Clallam Resilience Project, resilienceoutreach@unitedwayclallam.org.